Bottle Logic Intrepid Orchid Barleywine

Volatile in-progress stasis project asset. Brewed with Chevallier malt and aged with f.o. levels of Madagascar vanilla beans.

Final Rating: 4.76/5
look: 4.25 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.75

Poured from a 32oz Crowler into a bottle logic stemless wine glass. Thank you Daniel for the hook up!

Pours a deep brown body with an off white head that reduces to leave a ring of lacing.

Aromas are apparent the second you crack the crowler – freshly baked vanilla cookies, bourbon soaked marshmallows, vanilla frosted cake, caramel, light milk chocolate.

On the tongue, more vanilla and marshmallow with a complex medley of French vanilla ice cream, milk chocolate fudge, caramel-bourbon brownies, toasted marshmallows, vanilla frosted sugar cookies, finishing lightly roasty with bittersweet chocolate. Mouthfeel is medium and carbonation is medium. 

This is an absolute vanilla-marshmallow bomb! It’s definitely a pastry beer, but not overly cloying or artificial in the least bit. It’s liquid dessert that keeps demanding another sip.

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