The Bruery Sucre

 “Sucré is our sixth anniversary ale, loosely brewed in the English-style Old Ale tradition using our house Belgian yeast strain and then blended using the solera method.

Final Rating: 4.57/5  

look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5

2014 vintage Bourbon Barrel Aged Sucre poured from a 750mL bottle into a Bruery tulip glass. 

Pours a muddy brown body with a two finger off-white head that reduces slowly to leave a ring of retention, not much lacing. 

Aromas are Taste is delightful with tons of sweet, decadent notes of brown sugar, burnt molasses, French vanilla, roasty malt, dark roast coffee, bourbon, oak, finishing with a really nice roasted malt flavor that sticks on the tongue for a while. Body is pretty rich with low carbonation. Insanely smooth for 16%. 

Tasting this makes me wish I bought a whole case back in 2014 when I bought this bottle! Aged very well

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