Alesmith Speedway Stout


I enjoyed this brew a few nights ago with some grilled pizza made with tomatoes straight out of my parent’s garden.. hi mom! (she’s my biggest fan).  It was an excellent pairing. Anyway, this 12% monster-of-a-stout will put jet black hair on your chest – the same shade that it’s oily body exhibits.

Final Rating: 4.54/5
look: 4.75 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5

Here’s my full review:

Poured from a 750 mL bottle into a tulip glass. Purchased in Attleboro, MA at Yankee Spirits.

Appearance- Pours a deep black, oily, opaque body with a fluffy, 3 finger, coffee brown head that reduces very slowly to some chunks of foam and leaves very thick lacing on the glass. Extremely inviting .

Smell- The aroma is potent and forward – just what I like in an imperial stout. Heavy coffee, chocolate, roastyness, some vanilla and a hint of booze.

Taste- The first thing to coat the tongue is a huge explosion of flavor – a rich balance of chocolate, freshly roasted coffee, vanilla, toasted malt. The finish is amazing, leaving a roasty, charred malt flavor on the tongue. Some hops mixed in there. Extremely drinkable and balanced for the abv, sip-demanding.

Mouthfeel- Rich, thick, low carbonation, and heavy bodied.

Alesmith speedway stout is one of the best interpretations of an imperial stout that I’ve ever tasted. Not too sweet, perfectly balanced, and super rich. I’d LOVE to try the bourbon barrel version, it may be near perfect.

One response to “Alesmith Speedway Stout

  1. keith surkont

    You need to land a BA Kopi Speedway, it takes regular speedway to a whole new level.

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